MEWP | Maintenance

MEWP and access platform winter maintenance tips

Make sure that your MEWPs and access platforms stay running through winter with these maintenance tips

MEWP and access platform winter maintenance tips
Sean Bell

By Sean Bell
On Dec 9, 2021

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2 minutes

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Temperatures are dropping, overnight frosts are setting in and the chance of ice and snow is increasing

During winter your MEWPs and access platforms require some extra maintenance. Staying on top of it means you can be sure your equipment does not break down due to the cold weather.

Sean Bell, HLS Engineer, has gathered some of his top 5 tips and advice that will keep your MEWPs running through the winter months.

1. Preventative maintenance

Make sure to schedule preventive maintenance visits well in advance and keep track of any reported issues.

2. Store equipment that is not being used during winter in a temperature controlled area

One of the most common causes of repair call-outs in winter is the machine not charging. This could be due to many things, but in winter, the likelihood of the culprit being a cold battery is high on the list. In colder temperatures, depending on the machine lead acid batteries drop by about 20% capacity due to slower chemical reaction, this also creates less current flow. Lead acid batteries with a low state of charge can actually freeze at around -1 degrees - keeping machines indoors or somewhere warmer can prevent battery degradation.

3. Run the engine periodically

Any machine with a diesel engine will take longer to start in colder months, due to battery condition and insufficient preheating. I recommend using glow plugs before starting the engine and to have the machine run periodically to maintain the battery state of charge. Also, for any water cooled systems make sure the antifreeze levels are sufficient - failing to do this will cause the engine to overheat.

4. Cover control systems

Make sure platforms control boxes/ switches/ joysticks etc and are covered in cold weather, ice turns into water when the temperature increases, any ice on control boxes will cause water to ingress into electrical components.

5.Prepare your MEWP for winter

Pay close attention to the machine capabilities and environment conditions - machines can be used indoor/outdoor, some only indoor. Be mindful that the tyres may not be able to handle the colder conditions. 

If you need advice or planned maintenance or repairs we can help.

Our team of work at height engineers and specialists are always on hand to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.

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Sean Bell

By Sean Bell
On Dec 9, 2021

Read time
2 minutes

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