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How important is ongoing maintenance for MEWPs?

MEWPs and when you might use them, in this post we're going to look at what servicing and maintenance MEWPs need, and what the relevant regulations are.

How important is ongoing maintenance for MEWPs?
Kate Langwick

By Kate Langwick
On Jan 29, 2014

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3 minutes

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In recent posts we talked about MEWPs and when you might use them, in this post we're going to look at what servicing and maintenance MEWPs need, and what the relevant regulations are.

Once a company has identified the most appropriate equipment for working at height as per the Working at Height Regulations (2005), and has procured the equipment the next consideration is allowing for the ongoing maintenance of it.


If a MEWP is being used for working at height then this is covered by two HSE regulations:

  • LOLER - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
  • PUWER - Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998

As well as operator checks to be carried out daily and/or prior to using equipment, the LOLER regulations mandate a 6-monthly Thorough Examination to be completed by a competent person.  The LOLER examination is an inspection, and does not necessarily involve any testing of the features of your MEWP.

Many companies offer LOLER examinations - at HLS we always recommend checking the competency of the person completing the inspection, as well as what testing is completed alongside the examination, e.g. do they test the safety features of your MEWP?  

As well as mandatory inspections under LOLER, PUWER mandates regular maintenance of any equipment, including MEWPs, to ensure it remains safe for use.  Beware that many LOLER inspections are just that: they cover only the LOLER regulations, leaving the maintenance of the equipment outstanding.

Whilst LOLER must be completed 6-monthly, maintenance of your MEWP should be ongoing, according to the HSE the frequency and nature of maintenance should be determined by risk assessments completed and taking into account:

  • Manufacturer's recommendations
  • Intensity of use
  • The operating environment
  • The knowledge of the operator
  • The level of risk implied by any failure or malfunction

All work equipment, whether a MEWP or not is subject to PUWER regulations.

Therefore, all work equipment should have a documented maintenance schedule, as well as regular inspections as per the relevant regulations, in the case of MEWPs the LOLER regulations.

If you are concerned about your own equipment, or your compliance with the HSE regulations please contact a member of our team on 0113 287 8446 who can discuss your case with you.

If you would like more information on our service and maintenance agreements (covering both LOLER and PUWER recommendations), take a look at the service area of our website.


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As part of our commitment to work at height safety this guide is designed to provide guidance and advice on how to minimise risk and ensure compliance.


Kate Langwick

By Kate Langwick
On Jan 29, 2014

Read time
3 minutes

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